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below is the audio that is shown on the first page. Here is the the audio with the original words.

Dare I ask, one more time dear Lord forgive me? How many times have I said, “never again,” then ran into the same sin’s wall. Do the leaves beg to lift and turn away from the sun or the rain? Why would they, a gift from God tis both. Nature has forgiveness for being nature. Man has forgiveness for being Jesus’s children. But, how many times can we tempt His forgiveness? 


Too many times fallen, does that mean fallen forever?  Jesus is love and suffered more than we can image for those very sins we keep commenting. I say we, I mean me. I do believe His love and once more I am forgiven but, will take time to wash that dirt off the soul’s eye.


Withering without His love, wishing to throw self in front of traffic or against harms way to beg once more for forgiveness and to use the pain to remove such. But only Jesus can forgive sins with pain, with His death on a cross so many years ago. Did He cover the last one feel it   once more? Is that one not covered and now I am doomed into the forever of sadness and no love? I will close my eyes and pretend I didn’t type that nor even thought it. Then, Jesus will smile and say, “You are forgiven my son, but sin no more.” I can see His gentle smile with the corner of his eyes showing a bit of sadness from my sin against Him. 


So we walk through our day, we try to live in this world without living in this world. We cannot do the earthly pleasures for the most part, they are all a sin. But with Jesus and His love we don’t want such pleasures, or do we? Do others rationalize sin like I just did? “Oh you are a good guy Mitch, He will forgive you, just one more time.”   No, I dare say, this is almost blasphemy and that such sin of the Holy Spirit one cannot return from.


So I rambled a bit into word that will never be seen by anyone by God. I invite Michael the Archangel and all the warrior angels to my side. Protect me and keep me in  proper stance with my soul’s glance.


God bless you all, for He truly is a whisper away.

You sinned again, now what? 

We walk the best we can in God's glory. We read the bible, we pray for people, we give our lives to God, to Jesus to the Holy Spirit, then we sin.  Is a moment of an old path, familiar and vile but we rationalize it is ok, we know God loves us and it cant be that bad. But, every sin is bad. The small one of lying to the horrible one of murder. Oh, not the murder of flesh, but the assassination of their integrity and their reputation.


God abhors bearing false witness against another, it is considered murder. But Mitch, c'mon he is just a bad guy and gossips also. A sin, any sin is massive in the eyes of our Lord. Jesus had to suffer more than we can ever understand, so we can be forgiven, again and again for sinning.


I do not care how close or far away from God you are, a sin hits the soul with a vile black drop. Each sin that occurs and we do not ask forgiveness we do not repent/ change mind/ and denounce/ don'd do it anymore, it begins a huge eclipse of God's vision upon us. God sees all the evil and the good, Proverbs 15;3. but He will not ‘hear’ us. John 9:31. Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.

So when we sin again, get to a quiet place and talk with God. Let Him see you want to stop, we want to be what He needs, we want His love and light to shine on all we are around.


Is easy to fail, and is easy to ask forgiveness. When we stop asking and trying not to sin, is when our souls are doomed to a forever suffering in hell. Matthew 25;41  Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels


God bless you

Asking the Holy Spirit to bless the crosses when purchased 

I just finished making 4 pocket driftwood crosses for an order. While making the driftwood crosses i am shown how to make them, then as i carve and sand on them am shown Jesus getting the lashes and being taunted.  When I finish the cross for an order just before I mail them, I ask God to bless them.

I am shown different things, depending on what the home needs or person needs. Today as I asked God to bless one, I felt the light of the Holy Spirit move through me as He showed me where on the man needed healing. I was shown two places where the light flowed to and through him. Was also made aware of depression and a deep sadness.

My faith and gift from the Holy Spirit and the faith of the person ordering the cross, creates the path for the Holy Spirit to heal. I send the cross tomorrow and will wait and see what the person says about it when they receive it. Usually there is an emotinoal moment, the beauty of the presence of the Holy Spirit always causes amazing tears of peace and a feeling of love.



Bottled in Bond in Jesus name I say ... 

Bottled in Bond  In Jesus name I say


Hello darkest ones that the Lord is trying to lift into a puddle of happiest waters. Did you know we are mostly water? Did you know that the Holy Spirit showed Himself to me as waters? Yes, one day as He took over my voice and asked “May I pray for you?” This was unbeknownst to me at the time. My right hand came up beside my head, palm open towards the cashier that was having trouble breathing. She answered quickly with an obvious faith “Yes!” And she lowered her head in respect. I was shown waters moving from me, in a rectangular way of movement right into her. She breathed in immediately and her complete countenance changed. She was in that instant, healed from a life long path of asthma.


Yes, darkest ones that the Lord is trying to lift into that puddle of happiest waters. This is a true miracle and one of many miracles He has used me to move and work through. Did you know that God is not intrusive? That the Father waits for us to ‘ask’ so that then He shall answer? Oh yes, mighty darkest ones waiting for the cool puddle of happiest waters of the Holy Spirit.


I am a sinner, as we all are but I feel I am a bad sinner person. Yet, God is using me, attempting to use me to keep me in His word. For if I fail enough and too many times, He has thousands He can turn to and use. YOU also, can be used by the Father of all things. But, ya gotta stop sinning. But Mitch? I enjoy booze and the ladies and the indulgent way of human life. I cannot stop such things, so I guess I will burn.  “Yea, you will,” I say to those that say these words my way. Again, God is not intrusive so we all begin a journey of temptation like never before in our lives when we decide, to hear God asking for us to follow and give our lives to Him.


But Mitch, I cannot give up my greed and the pleasures of the women through my touch all turns to ecstasy! How dare you suggest such to me, that God would want that unhappiness in my life! Go thither away from me! “Ah, you protest too much my friend in love with God and love.”


The silence and calmness that becomes you when you choose God, has no description. Denounce even your coffee for I tell you true we are only shown by contrasts the horrible and the beautiful in life. Contrasts of good and evil. Oh, but Mitch you are boring me with such banter. I must go drink bourbon and become wise unto the lady that winks my way. I must become her pleasure and be the all she seeks. Of course, when morning finds I will leave her in that puddle of fake love and vile fornication. But, Mitch, I am forgiven right?


I dare say, yes but thou tempt the Lord too many  times and away from Him is your soul.  There is no returning if you do such animosity to our God.


Hear me those that will hear me. I was shown the way of heaven with its beauty and love I cannot describe. I was shown peace that literally causes your soul to fly into tears of love. I was shown the evil, I fought until it killed me as I turned my back to its claws that were razors. Hear me, you have a path with God, He knew you before birth. YOU had a conversation with Him about your life here, You knew what you were getting into. This is but a teeny bit of time, a vapor of time. Hear me you that wants the pleasures of the woman or the man. That wants the money through greed to destroy all to get that bit of cash. Hear me if you can hear me. Stop giving in to sin. Sin, is death to forever with love. Sin, is choice of forgotten spies and no place to lay thy head with peace. Sin, is the lost cough upon the spew of filth across your soul and the only place you will be allowed to sleep. Covered in the stench and lifting redundantly into its vile. Your choice when you remain in the way of evil and flesh.


Tell me something, you are complete with God’s light, you are born in His image, your soul. Your spirit has to grow in life. The many times you say no to sin, the many times you helped another without gain or reward. The times you opened a door for someone and said, “have a blessed day.” The sins of your family can stop with you. Did you know you have the power to stop the generational sin lineage? Just takes one of the blood of that sin. 

The demons that have whispered the same temptations to your ancestors, are whispering to you now. And you are giving into their bottled in bond 100 proof temptations. Stand up and reach for our Lord God through Jesus to the Father all things are heard. Then when they whisper, when they physically touch you in an erotic way, when they whisper for you to curse another, when they whisper, one more drink, it’s ok. Step away and say ‘NO!” Then they have to flee.    I am not saying you will always remain steadfast and not sin, but it will get fewer and fewer times you give in. Why, you ask. Because God sees you trying and asking for help. God is not intrusive. So ask, plead, beg, scream to stop! Then walk through your day with His word. Going to the Bible, hearing what you can hear and doing what you can do, with God. 


Hello darkest ones in life here. We who are the greatest of sinners need to be ready to love God. To tell that person over there, “stop! God is here and loves you!”


Hello darkest ones of life here, I am darkest also but I strive for His love, for His peace and for His forgiveness from His Son Jesus. Did you know that every sin you are committing now He died for 2000 years ago for forgiveness of it. 

Did you know God knew you before you were born and knew your choices. Did you know you are loved beyond time for He gave Jesus to suffer our pain.  

Did you know I also love you for you are my brother, my sister, my mother my father. We are all born of Christ Jesus, WE are all born from love.


Did you know……………..  


Imagine the immense pain and horror Jesus had in that one moment..  

A thought came to me today while praying and thinking about Jesus. I think of Him often,His love for us His pain he endured for us. While i make the crosses, i see His suffering with each carving and shaping of the cross. OUR vile actions against the Father that Jesus knew he would take on. From the beginning, imagine doing nothing wrong but loving all, teaching words of love, showing the will of His Father. He said often He was doing the will of the Father. In a holy vision to me that is being finalized into song, the words “your desires are the Father's, only His way is the way.” Shows that Jesus, who is the Son of God, who is one of the Holy Trinity, was doing the Father's will.

He prayed three different times in the Garden on the night of Him being taken away. Three times for at least an hour each time. For He admonished them that they could not stay awake for ‘at least’ an hour. So, possibly a little less. Imagine the intensity of the prayers, Jesus talking to His Father, knowing the suffering He would endure. 

Mark 14:34 KJV  And saith unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death: tarry ye here, and watch 

The long tortured journey to the hill to be finally nailed to the cross. Suffering immeasurably. Now the moment comes. He knew He was almost done with His task of saving us. Our sins ripped through Him with every lash, torn into him with each nail. Every drop of blood a scream through the halls of His soul! Pain of which we will never experience. 

Then.. Separation from the Father. Forever was with the Father until that moment. Imagine the intensity of the pain our Lord felt then yelled out. Obviously the knowledge of that moment of separation  was kept from Him. He did not know He would not feel the presence of the Father. That is the horrendous amount of sins committed so bad and so many that Jesus had to feel separation from the Father for the first time, in time. In the existence of time. To take on pain we will never know, to be so tortured physically, then had to be separated from the Father. i cannot even imagine Jesus's sorrow  silence in His soul, His Father turned away

Father God will not look at sin, Jesus had taken all the sins to the point of being completely blotted out of the Father's vision. I believe there are two reasons for the separation. One, is because He will not look upon Sin, and I feel Jesus had to feel, experience the pain of the void life is without the Father, that is the horrendous amount of sins He took away.

Being The Church 


Mitch Bensel

Everyone can be the church.


Proverbs 3:27-28 KJV

Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and to morrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.

The other day my neighbor  was shaking and weak and was headed downstairs to get his laundry. I said, You want me to go get it for you and bring it back up?” He said, No it's broken again. It's gonnabe a week.”

I just put my hand on his shoulder. I didn’t plan on it .. was a feeling to just place my hand on his shoulder. No words were said. Just by doing that brought a thought of comfort. You don't realize it when you do it. So, in that moment he looked back at me and calmed. 

For That moment of compassion was from God and he felt calmed, not by my hand but by God moving to him from my compassion. You don't have to give everybody all you own, you don’t have to walk the streets and be homeless you just have to have kindness. Which is very rare now .. or fake and just a ‘work’ being done.

Most of us feel we have to do a magnificent thing to ‘be the church.’ God doesn't need magnificence from us. He is the magnificence. 

The smallest little light is all He needs from us, kindness to others. Kindness imparts love. kindness imparts God, God is love. Kindness literally imparts the Holy Spirit.

Love all, we are truly brothers and sisters here. When you do good things, it gives God’s  light to the person and you are representing Him. You can just smile at someone or you open the door for them.  God trickles into that person as you open the door because it's a kindness. When your kindness is done, God is present. That's when you would be the church. 

Being the church is being aware of others from a place of love, compassion and kindness. Is very easy to see if someone needs  help or even to engage in casual conversation at the checkout. Show kindness with a gentle tone and a thank you. The service industry is massively verbally abused. BE that one calm soul they saw that day. Let them take that moment of ‘kindness’ which will impart the Holy Spirit right into them. Bring that smile to them. Follow the nudges of even what to say. “thank you for being here today or I couldn’t buy my barbecue chips.”

Being the church is doing what Jesus would do. Being the church is all about love and our actions  Whatever you are drawn to do, do that, then that is what God wants you to do. He never forces. It's never a forced action of kindness. That's fake. That's a ‘work’ that's not from the soul. Thats a look at what I'm doing.” That is YOU getting something out of it not them.

Generally,  doing something very small, usually something very simple  impacts that person more than all the money in the world would because God is involved, compassion and kindness that flows literally from our words and actions covered with God’s love. They feel it. They begin to think of God. The more they think, they begin to reach. The more they reach, God says I'm right here. They begin to hear God. 

I was in a busy bakery once. They make you take a number for they are always very busy. I hadn’t taken one yet then they said, “don’t forget to take a number. A lady that was in front of me, that was there before I walked in, she reached at the same time I did, but I was closer and got it first. I immediately handed it to her “you are next.” She stood for several seconds motionless  with her mouth open in total shock. She finally spoke, “This never happens, usually it would be ‘tough luck’.” I repeated, “you are next.” She stood motionless for a bit then slowly took the ticket from me, not looking at me looking away but still in obvious disbelief this happened. That moment of simple common sense, respect and kindness flew into her with God’s light. Think of how sad it is that this very small ‘right thing to do’ was so unbelievable to her every sense. BUT she felt kindness which obviously had not been present in her world.

That's why kindness is so important and so easy to do. Kindness that's simple really isn’t it?. It's beautiful.

Hes showing me as I'm telling you about the lights. I see them move from us to the ones we help. Just imagine Jesus looking at you in the crowd and just smiling, and waving, and walking on by. Jesus … God's Son but also a man of flesh. He's just smiling at you. Jesus never thought of himself was always for all around him, was for us. As we walk in His glory we walk with love and kindness. Jesus didn’t judge He simply smiled. With that moment, even from Jesus, it was a wee trickle of light that the one standing by the side of the road felt to their souls core. Love is carried by light to touch our spirit. God is spirit and spirit talks to spirit as we must talk with Him in spirit. When we do a kindness we are feeling compassion, which is caring, which is love which is from God. He's never forceful. He does everything gently and kindness my friends, is a gentle way to be the church. It is a magnificent way to be the church, it is a 

simple way, to be the church.

You know, truly, the kindness isn't for you. It is for that other person. 

If there is no connection to God, that is a forced action, its useless. What a HUGE lost opportunity to impart the Holy Spirit. What is a connection to God Mitch? The action is for the person not for what you can get out of it.

Please  do a simple kindness out of the blue when nudged. When a thought hits, “help them” “pray for them” “smile at them” “comfort them if they look distressed, not with fancy talk or loud movements but gentle and calm” that nudge will never be heard if not learning to love all as self.

 A neighbor fell and after she got home from the ER a thought came to me, “get her some flowers to help her smile and let go of the memory.” Kindness. It came to mind, it was an action of good fruit hence from God so I did it. Not wanting anything but to help her not feel anguish or sadness over the ordeal. Everytime she looks at those flowers she will feel peace and God’s love. Why Mitch? Because they were given with love and a wish of peace when she glanced upon their beauty. Light from God is a smile, God’s presence is a feeling of peace. Those flowers daily will give her peace and calmness with just a glance.


To be the church is when you're walking through your day, you just open the door for somebody, or pick up something somebody dropped, or look at them, and  say a prayer for them in your mind, if they're wobbly, The kindness creates, God's action,  To be the church is to always have God on your mind and in your heart. For that is when you will quickly and easily hear Him and do a small or large bit of kindness that you will know is from God. 

God. The forefront of my mind is always on God.  This is how it should be. Im  always thinking about God, and  He should be in front of your every thought. God. God. God is right there. It's like angels sing praise to God 24/7. I can feel and see it in my way. I see the name God. Or I see a light always there in my mind.  God. God. God. God.

If I walk, I'll say Thank you. Help me God. Keep me safe.”

I'll stop and go. When there are sirens, I stop and get into the prayer place and say the same prayers, help them be ok, help all around have compassion, help them know how to heal them, help them feel your peace Lord and know all will be ok. Sometimes there is an added, “if they need an attorney let it happen easily and let them not be afraid.”

I have witnessed too many countless times the power of kindness, the power of prayer. YOUR one time kindness to a total stranger has the potential to literally change their entire life. With kind thoughts God is present, with kind actions, God is present. yes God is ever present but we ‘as the church’ must become the vessel that literally drops His light into all. Kindness does that. because, as I repeat and I have repeated myself quite a bit. We are a slow folk in the noggin and sometimes have to read or hear things several different ways and times.

That’s being the church.. That’s a love no matter who they are, or their lifestyles, all people not just those people that you agree with their decisions and way of life ALL people.  ALL

Being kind  to all is such a simple concept to be the church is to literally LOVE all. have to love/ be kind to / that nasty person over there. The dirty homeless person, the one in church that never truly looks dressed right.. Love them too. You know not to judge.  Romans 2:1 

At a healing celebration of God’s love in Zanesville I was shown by God His love for  all of us. The filthy, the clean, the vile, the righteous.  simply love all. When you cross paths with someone and you feel nudge, “help them open that door, wish them a blessed day, say a silent prayer for them” when you become kindness walking through your day, you become the light of God. You get out of the way of self and allow God to shine through you. 

God bless you all

Lighting struck a white pine.. the crosses I am making from that wood touched by God's power! 




Recently a friend's white pine tree was hit by lightning. It wasn't a normal hit, according to four tree removal experts. They had never seen a tree split down the middle like that almost all the way to the base of the tree. The lightning, at 50 thousand degrees turned the sap into steam and the tree exploded in half. White pine trees are very full of sap and takes years for them to sit and dry enough for good firewood. They stated it was bone dry. The parts that the lightning hit, bone dry.

I collected some of this wood and planned on making a lot of the Bensel Crosses for walls from it.  Feeling it was so cool that God touched it with His power. But what is happening is not to make all of it wall crosses but to make some pocket crosses and clergy or wearable crosses also.

This wood needs to be held or worn. The blessings from this lightning touched wood. Wood that God showed His presence upon, will be amazing and phenomenal. Will also be making small ones for your pet! The cross is a symbol of God's love for us. And when someone sees a cross they think of Jesus! Your pet could use the blessings also. : )

As I make them I also feel and am shown the blessings upon them. The feeling, the tangible expression of the Holy Spirit is with me as I form these wee crosses. When held, they feel amazing, calmness fills and a peace that can only come from the Holy Spirit finds the soul.

Let's think about this for a moment, Lighting and God.  Lightning is used all through the bible as God announces His majestic presence for all to see ~~through and with lightning!

On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. 

Exodus 19:16

Lightning symbolizes several different things in the Bible. It can signify God’s mighty presence – in a literal and / or poetic sense – that causes all people to tremble in reverence

Psalm 77:18). It also means God’s wrathful judgment against His enemies (Psalm 144:6; Psalm 18:14). Satan also fell “like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18), showing God’s swift decree against him. Lightning will also be a sudden sign of Jesus’ second coming, seen by all (Matthew 24:27).

God is perfect love and goodness; our heavenly Father who gives us the treasures of His mercy and grace. 

However, at the same time, we must also remember that God is the righteous judge of all things (Psalm 7:11; Psalm 50:6). He is the supreme ruler over everything! 

Thus, there are indeed Biblical moments where God uses lightning – literal and / or symbolic – as a sign of His wrath. In these instances, lightning is often described as weapons that God uses against His enemies. 

Out of the brightness of His presence bolts of lightning blazed forth. The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded. He shot His arrows and scattered the enemy, with great bolts of lightning He routed them. 

2 Samuel 22:13-15 

Send forth lightning and scatter the enemy; shoot Your arrows and rout them. 

Psalm 144:6 

And you, son of man, prophesy and say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says about the Ammonites and their insults: “‘A sword, a sword, drawn for the slaughter, polished to consume and to flash like lightning! 

Ezekiel 21:28 

lightning in the Bible not only means God’s presence, but can also reflect His firm judgment against those who willfully rebel against His kingdom.

lightning is used to convey God’s swift, powerful, and visible judgment against Satan’s rebellion in heaven. In addition, Jesus – in declaring his witnessing of Satan’s fall – is also revealing his divine pre-existence outside of his time on earth. 

 lightning in the Bible often means God’s judgment – most famously of all, His decree against Lucifer.

Jesus simply replies “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18)

There are various explanations as to why Jesus used this exact phrasing. 

However, in this context, lightning is used to convey God’s swift, powerful, and visible judgment against Satan’s rebellion in heaven. In addition, Jesus – in declaring his witnessing of Satan’s fall – is also revealing his divine pre-existence outside of his time on earth. 

For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 

Matthew 24:27 

 God uses the quality of lightning to indicate the suddenness of Jesus’ impending return. Of course, there will be warning signs, like how forming thunderstorms can be observed. However, it will still happen at an unexpected moment, just as lightning strikes out of nowhere. 

This reminds us to always stand firm in our faith. For “not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matthew 24:36) knows when and how Jesus will come. 

But one thing is for certain. It will happen as quick as lightning, seen by everyone – as God says it will!  

Job 37:4 

After it his voice roars; he thunders with his majestic voice, and he does not restrain the lightnings when his voice is heard.

Google for yourself how many times Lightning is used in the bible and how it is always connected to the presence of or wrath from God. I make driftwood crosses and always ask God to bless them with what the home needs. I am shown the home where it will be, I am shown what the family needs. Sometimes I am shown a person looking at the cross and see the miracle of the Holy Spirit calming them and helping them with the prayer they asked as they looked upon the driftwood cross.

I am a healer for God, I work for the Big Guy, He works through me.. and I tell ya this lightning wood is special. God's presented it to my soul to create crosses that people can hold. They can feel where God touched it! Lightning is God's presence, yes I am repeating myself. And this tree was hit like no other that had been witnessed by at least 4 tree removal experts. And, it hit the tree of Irene Baron's house, who has witnessed many miracles through healings and also has been healed  and is my close friend. It HIT her tree so I could make these pocket crosses for people to feel the presence/ that word again/ the PRESENCE of God, in a tangible way. We feel the Holy Spirit, hold it as we walk through our day. Not only a  reminder of His love I feel there will be healings and spirit awakening in all that order one with faith in our Lord. 

I know I have to make a lot of them. Is a constant gentle urge and I see piles of pocket crosses and clergy crosses and crosses from this wood being worn around the necks of not only people but their pets! I have a couple that will be wall crosses but the rest will be small. This symbol of God's love, the cross, causes us to think of Him. With this lightning wood doubly blessed by the literal TOUCH from God in the tangible way of lightning, many will feel such peace through their day.

I will leave you with this thought. The world is going through a turning point where a chasm is forming between right and wrong. God is showing His presence more than ever. Many many many.. are turning to and reaching for God. The same amount are turning away for the world things of greed and pleasure and to hurt others. God answers our prayers, He does not lie

Matthew 7:7-8 

King James Version 

7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 

8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

All believers are keeping God in front of all they do, praying, reaching to let others see and feel His love His peace. Turmoil is occurring, families being separated.  I feel and am shown these simple pieces of wood from a tree God touched, will help all with the feeling of His presence and to be closer to Him and also am shown healings will occur. God's will, God's timing always. When we reach with faith HE answers.

God split that tree with His presence, His lightning which represents HIM! And to repeat myself.. none of the four tree removal experts had seen a tree split like that and the wood left bone dry. Why dry? So I can make pocket cross and crosses for people to have near them filled with the Holy Spirit tangibly expressed by God's Lightning strike in a way never seen.

I will be posting them on this site but please reach out to me for the size you wish and I will make it so. I will ask God to bless it even more and boy I tell ya, as I have made the few the Holy Spirit is there with love that only God can give.


God bless all that read this



write to me here or click on the links to my social media and private message me!

instantaneous healing at the cashier's desk while returning some items... 



I have spoken already about this healing on this site. The one that occurred in a store when I was returning some t-shirts. 

I walked into the store and heard the cashier coughing. It was a low cough and she was sipping on water frequently. She also had a lozenge in her mouth attempting to still the cough. She called me next to her register. As I walked up she coughed and asked forgiveness then took a sip of water. I asked if she wanted me to pray for her. She immediately lit up and said "yes, please!" I began to pray and I asked the Holy Spirit to slip into her lungs and heal. Immediately I felt the Holy Spirit begin to move to her. My right hand goes up on its own, sometimes to touch someone on the head or just in front of them. I don't know the reason, I just work here, it happens, and is obviously the Holy Spirit.  I was shown how healing moved down her into her lungs. She immediately smiled a huge smile, a childlike huge smile. "You felt it didn't you." I asked, She said "yes! God is good!" She was able to speak clearly. No cough, no pushing to find air to speak.

What I saw was a brilliance cover her. Her countenance changed. Was as if God removed a coating of illness. She had a history of having to be in oxygen tents on and off through life. She said her asthma has been an issue her whole life. I want all of you to know.. God healed her in Jesus name, He healed her! No more coughing.. her voice strong even her presence was enhanced? I cannot think of the right way to describe the change in her when the Holy Spirit healed her.

Please know God is with us every moment! Please know His love for us is amazing! Beyond description as I was shown at the last celebration of God's love! 

Write to me, invite me to your church, invite me to speak at the end of your services, your masses. Invite me to your homes! Call me! It is all free and pure love from the Holy Spirit and always in Jesus name! The three healings does not take long....and the blessings last forever into and beyond God's time and love..


May God bless you !!



END TIMES Part 1 BY Irene Baron 

by Irene Baron   1 April 2022

How God informed Mitch Bensel that he was to become a healer fulfills a prophecy in Revelation 2:17.
We are surely in the end times before the Rapture.

The realization of this fulfillment began before dawn on 21 March 2022. I followed my nudges to read the Biblical book of Revelation in the King James version by Tyndale House Publishers.

I read chapter one and began chapter two, stopping at verse 17. I couldn't believe my eyes and read it several more times. Until this time in my life, the verse made no impact. Today, it did. 

17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto 
the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden 
manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name 
written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. 

What Apostle John wrote in Revelation 2:17 fits Mitch Bensel to a “T.” 

In my association with healer, Mitch Bensel, I have been told how he knew God wanted him to become a healer. He did not know until later in life he had been destined to work for our Lord God by having a holy birth. 

The understanding of that verse in Revelation came upon me as I read it. To experience this understanding gave a thrill such as that associated with affirmation by the Holy Spirit. Those of you who have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit will know what I experienced. 

Explanation of the prophecy fulfillment:

The verse, “To him that overcometh,” I believe, refers to the difficult life Mitch has had and continues to have. After experiencing many temptations and hardships, he gave his life to God in 2021. He has had to overcome much put upon him by the unholy spirits wishing to stop him from serving God. 

In March 2022, he was told by one who knows that he will continue to be attacked by the dark forces because of what he accomplishes to help his Heavenly Father.  To be continually attacked and survive horrific satanic assaults on his life and body may have made his body weak, but his mind is rich and full of the love for God and His Son, Jesus Immanuel, The Christ. Please know that as I write this, destructive things are happening on my computer that have not occurred previously. These events make me think that dark spirits do not want his holy gift revealed to the world. 

In the verse, “…will I give to eat of the hidden manna,…” I use the commonly recognized definition of manna that is, “an unexpected or gratuitous benefit.”  Gratuitous is defined as “given or done free of charge.” 

That “manna” or gratuitous gift given to Mitch Bensel has been a form of healing unlike any other existing on this Earth that we know of. 

Mitch Bensel, from wherever he is located, can gently and quietly initiate God’s healing light through The Holy Spirit by prayer. This healing can instantly move to any location on the Earth at the speed of light. He does not advertise nor charge for his healing. When asked about it, he replied, “How can you charge for something from God?” 

What is miraculous is how he is currently being taught many applications of the healings. He is also being given experiences of different forms of mass healings of persons around the world. 

When he was suspected of having a cancerous mass within his body in the last year, I prayed to God and His Son, Jesus Immanuel, that the mass not be cancer.  Sometimes, during my life, I have been spoken to during prayer and visions. During that prayer I was told in an angelic man’s voice, “HE IS NEEDED IN THE FUTURE.” I knew then his mass would not be cancer and he was going to live. Whatever is going to happen in the future, God is going to use Mitch Bensel to help others around the world. The question is, what is going to happen that mass healings will be needed? 

Using his gift of healing through The Holy Spirit, Mitch Bensel has instantly healed quadriplegics, reversed COPD, chronic pain, afflictions, and many forms of illness unable to be cured by the medical profession.  He healed seven splayed disks in my back, the torn meniscus in each of my knees, arthritis of my hands, damage to my left thumb, and given me peace of mind. 

In the verse, “…and will give him a white stone,…” two miracles occurred to Mitch Bensel involving his being given a white stone. They happened on a beach in Oregon when he asked of our Lord God whether or not he was truly to be a healer. 

In one of my blogs I related what occurred. What follows is an excerpt from that blog in Mitch’s words. 

Mitch said:

"I was on an Oregon beach with a friend who doesn’t share her rocks or any treasures she finds. They are hers. 

As I was walking, I decided to ask God if I was really a healer because of the many miracles where people were healed in my life.  I thought it was prayer that did it. I had been looking for rocks. The beach had many small ones scattered in the sand. So, while I was walking on the beach, I said, ‘Okay, God, if I’m a healer for you, I want to find a really big agate!’ 

Immediately, my friend reached toward me with a big rock. She lowered her head as though she was bowing, looking down to her feet. She extended her arm straight out to me with the rock in her hand and said, “This is yours.” 

It was a big geode with massive white quartz crystals throughout the center area. Not an agate, but still the largest cool rock on the beach! 

She said, again, “This is yours.” 

I took the rock from her and was skeptical. Coincidence possibly? So I asked again, “Okay, God,  if I’m a healer, I want to find a blue rock with an “X”  on it. Knowing it wouldn’t happen, there were no blue rocks on this beach. 

God answered me. In front of me was a small blue rock, I picked it up and there was a grey X on it. I was shocked. Those were two signs from God.” 

Thus is the truth of how Mitch Bensel was given a white stone from God. 

In the verse section, “…and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it,” Mitch Bensel knew by receiving affirmation of being a healer for God, his name was “healer.” 

What no one “knoweth” was that the gift of healing he received from the Holy Spirit before he was born was unlike any other type of healing that existed on Earth that we know of.

No other human that we know of has had the gift from the Holy Spirit, to heal individuals or masses of others like Mitch Bensel. He has had the healing gift since birth and sent healing as a child. Working in a major hospital trauma unit, he secretly healed patients with whom he worked.

His healings have always been quietly sent. However, In 2021, Bensel said after he gave his life to God, he was nudged to make them loud. He thus turned to the Methodist Church ministries, the healing churches. His first public healing was at Coburn UM Church in Zanesville, Ohio in September 2021. His second at that same church is scheduled for 22 May 2022 at 6 p.m. 

Bensel does not have to see those whom he heals, touch them, or know where they are on this Earth. He only has to be told WHO they are. Omnipotent God knows who every person was and is whom Mitch heals and what healing they

are to receive in His time.  Mitch says all healing is given in God’s time. 

As Mitch’s form of healing through the Holy Spirit continued, he was taught to refine it and be used by The Holy Spirit as needed. In early 2022, he was nudged to send healing to Covid-19 victims around the world. He initiated the healing that was sent out and it continued to be sent. In his past, the energy of God’s healing light would take different amounts of time to different people, depending upon what they needed, usually several seconds. 

On this day, when he began to send the healing through The Holy Spirit, the healing sends continued. The Holy Spirit sent healing unceasingly for over two days. Throughout that time, even while sleeping, God’s healing light was moving out into the world. Mitch was shown light moving throughout the world and could feel the energy move to reach others.  It was the most massive amount of healing he had every experienced in one 48+ hours of sending. Like all the healing he experienced, it took no energy on his part.  It took only his thought to do so. Once this Covid-19 healing began, it had to touch so many Covid-19 victims that it continued over two days. 

Many persons Mitch has cured in the past had no idea they were being healed or that he was a healer. No matter where he was located, as he saw people of all ages in pain or crippled, he  anonymously sent them healing. 

When he worked over 20-years in a trauma unit in a major hospital, no one on the staff or any patient had any idea they were being healed though his prayers or that he was a healer. He secretly initiated healing to many, the healing unknown to anyone but himself, The Holy Spirit, and God. 

Many types of his hospital experiences during those many years which are  told in one of his many books, “Trauma is my business – ER Journal -Based in Real Events.” 

Mitch Bensel always healed quietly, his gift being shared among those who needed healing by word of mouth. 

People may contact Mitch Bensel through email for healing at :

Thus, one verse in Revelation (Chapter 2, verse 17) has been interpreted by me and explained. I thought, who else has ever received a large white stone?  Everything in that verse points to Mitch Bensel!

What I have stated about occurrences in the life of Mitch Bensel is truth. Whether Revelation is referring to Mitch Bensel in these end times will be debated. Pray to God to discern whether this is true. I will appreciate your comments. 

Something most people don’t realize is that Mitch has begun a new ministry. He is creating crosses from driftwood found along the Ohio River. When the crosses are finished, he asks God to bless them with what the purchaser needs, usually for protection, safety, and peace. He asks God to Bless the buyer also. He is shown the cross on a wall in a home, then shown fear, pain, arguments or whatever that home needs help with. The light of God's love is put upon the cross. It is still just wood in the shape of the cross the symbol of love and sacrifice. People that have the Bensel cross state it brings peace, or it glows, or it lifts their spirits just with a glance upon them. Some feel energy of warmth or calmness fall away from it through the room.

They will soon be available on this website store and are currently sold on Etsy at Mitch Bensel Treasures. Testimonies received of the miracles that have happened with the crosses in their final home or while on the way to their “home” are spectacular and will soon be posted on this website.



 Transcribed January 2022 

I carve crosses out of driftwood from the Falls of The Ohio. They start with driftwood and are carved with remembrance of the crucifixion. Then they become driftwood again. The driftwood represents love. It appears to flow with light and love when finished and I ask God to bless them.

Bensel Cross made from driftwood 2022Every cross has grooves and deformities which make it beautiful like He is beautiful by His destroyed, mangled, beaten, and torn flesh. We beat Him causing the blood to leave. It tore his flesh, but because of that, he saved us.  

The beauty of that touch on the cross is that Jesus saved all of us. So while you look upon these crosses, notice that nature tried to change each and make it useless. So, I took these supposedly defeated and ugly pieces of damaged drift wood and began to make each one into what represents love and His sacrifice for us.  

I take this piece of wood and cut into it. With each cut I see Him being whipped. With each cut I see pieces of His skin fall away. I start with a piece of driftwood, but it becomes a crucifix while cutting it. When finished it becomes a brilliantly beautiful example of God’s love for us and the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, to save our souls. So, it starts as driftwood where time and nature tried to destroy the wood with wearing away at it, disfiguring it.  

I take it home, clean it by letting it soak in water and bleach and carve God’s sacrifice into it and through it. Finishing up, it returns to just beautiful driftwood in the shape of a cross which represents love.  

The reason I like using driftwood to make crosses is because time and nature and water and air have altered the wood. I add more grooves and cuts which represent the lashings Jesus received. Nature altered the drift wood like man altered Jesus. They tore into him by lashing him, beating him, and nailing him to the wood.  

When you look upon it you don’t feel sad, you feel euphoric. You feel His love and you see His beauty, His strength and what He gave us, salvation.  

When these crosses are sold, I ask God to bless what that home needs. I am shown different walls the cross will be on. I see different things happening, sorrow, anger or needing protection.The blessings stay with the cross The crosses will find where they are supposed to be. God knows where he wants them.  

It’s all about respect. I’m not just cutting up a piece of wood. I am at His crucifixion. I feel His love for us. With each cut and alteration of the drift wood I am a witness to His sacrifice. The powerful feeling of His presence is beautifully magnified with His gift to me to feel His love and to create a cross reminding us whenever we glance upon it of His love. They are not made in mass quantity. They are made with love and respect individually touched and carved onto altered and aged wood from the river.  

Many years ago a friend of mine had a dream and told me I was supposed to make crosses. I didn’t know how to work with wood. But I did my best and they are all unique and belong to certain people.  God knows where He wants them. They are still just a piece of driftwood, but they represent the ultimate expression of love.  

Time and nature are natural. That’s why I’m so cool, time has hit me. Making a joke here hope it made ya smile. : )  

There will be crosses and other things for sale on this site in the near future. 

New crosses are avialable on my ETSY account. Write to me, DM me, or Text me I will make one for you.   Etsy: Mitch Bensel Treasures 
