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What I was shown as I prayed in the prayer room at a hospital 

I try to get to the local hospitals at lease once a week or more to go to their chapel and pray.  Usually there is a book with prayers written in it by patient's family members. I close my eyes and put my hands on the book and begin the prayer. Sometimes the prayers come out as praying in tongues, other times just in my mind. Recently I stopped in the prayer room after visiting a friend and praying for her. I was shown many families, groups of people with lines of light moving to and through them. I felt their sadness and their prayers. I was also allowed to feel God's love. He showed me His love going to each person. No matter their physical appearance, His love was beyond description. I began to cry some from the sadness felt by the family's prayers and the patient or family member that was ill.

I continued to pray, as long as light was being shown flying all over to different areas and through people, I would pray. I saw a mutilated person, that in the eyes of mankind would be shunned and disgusted with them just by the way they looked. Within the moment of being shown that person, God let me feel His gloriously beautiful love for them. He lifted my soul with the love He has for us! 

No matter what you look like, whether you are beautiful in the world way, or obscene in the world way of not perfect. Limbs missing, or teeth and even just being unclean. God's love poured over them as He showed me the intense and equal love for all of His children. I began to cry silently while praying as God let me feel His love move through me to all that were being prayed for. I feel all in that book, or most and it was a thick ledger, was touched by God that day through my prayers. The light slowed and the lines of light slowly just vanished. I thanked God for letting me pray and for letting me feel His presence and His love for us. I know it is a very small bit of His love for i feel our spirit could not handle if He showed all of His love for us.


Pray for people. God moves with prayer of faith. I pray for people on a constant. Usualy not planning on praying for people but as i walk by some i hear “pray for them," so i ask and they always say yes. His love is just beyond description. And every time we pray we get to feel His love moving with the prayer to the person being prayed for. Can't beat that!  God bless you and know this God truly is with us in every moment. After you talk to Him/ pray to Him, let it go and know now what happens is God's will. “But Mitch what if bad things happen,” “God's will.”    Faith… brothers and sisters moves the mountains   

Jesus walks through evil to save us 

Walking through this life trying to do the right thing.. we learn to talk to/ pray to the Lord and read our bible. Then with that reach God helps us to the levels it is time for us to be on.  The enemy doesn’t give up, wanting to destroy the light that is God, that is in all of us. Has nothing to do with YOU, has to do with the enemy’s hatred of God. We are all born in His image and he wants to destroy what God loves and created.


God, not invasive, giving us free will, always allows us to sin. but the Holy spirit is always there or at least until you rebuke Him by sinning too many times, then heart is hardened. A hardened heart is one that has turned away and removed God, which is removing LOVE from self and spirit. Hence heart, represents love is hardened, no love exists. Which is an energy, a level of energy is love and is evil. The two do not mix, cannot live together.


We have many chances, The Holy Spirit convicts us, that means we have regret, we feel bad. We have a covering of not good feeling and words being whispered into our ears from the enemy, “you are no good” you cannot be with good.” So we pray and God says I have you my child.  GOD, walks into and through evil  to save us, to stop us from sinning because we asked for help. 


As I was failing once, a sin that I was always giving into, a little then stopping.  Sometimes not stopping and finalizing the sin, then regret hits. As I was failing, Jesus stepped into the middle of the vile and lifted me away from that sin. He didn’t have to. He lets us choose.


Jesus stepped into sin on the cross. Took on its vile, its pain and its separation from the FATHER,  HE purposefully took this step to save us and help us not be forever in pain and agony in hell, but to be in joyous love in heaven. To be surrounded with love and go to all the worlds through time, God the Father will create!


Think about how bad hell must be, if the Son of God had to come here in flesh as man to take on torture, To let the enemy spit and rip His skin off. To mock Him with each lash. Jesus, with one thought could have destroyed them and the whole world.  Legions of angels would be around Him. but, He allowed, He walked into the sin, the darkness the vile to save us, to die for us. 


A parent will do what is needed to help their child. I walked into a dangerous situation. I went to a place to save my daughter..I prayed and with a gun in my pocket ready to use it if needed. The place was dangerous, where life didn’t matter, where the ones that choose evil walked. I was told by friends not to go! 


I was able to help her but only by walking into danger, not caring if something happened to me.  That is what Jesus did on that cross and now He still does, walks into evil, right next to us.


John 15:13 

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. …  Jesus lay down His life        

God walks into our sinful flesh, stands next to us watching while we sin. God see’s all we do evil and the good   

Proverbs 15:3 

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

HE  does this when we ask for help, in the middle of the sin we we whisper, while we sin, help me Lord!!!    

That is when He walks right to you and gives you His hand. He stands next to the vile you are participating in. all of His light and love, in the middle of them mocking Him, while they drop their evil upon your skin and soul.


We can walk through this life and learn the way to live and separate from the life/ flesh of life, and walk in Spirit with God and still live in life! Enjoying this beautiful world He created! 


A Day in the Life of a Healer, at least with Mitch 


I hold the Holy Trinity close to my heart daily. God is in my every thought as is an awareness and desire to pray for all that I see as I go through the day. March 31,2024, was a day of different moments of the Holy Spirit's touch. 


I had to drop something at the hospital, and as I walked past a man standing outside pediatric surgery center. I was shown his worry, his prayers and his child. I closed my eyes as I walked past him, he was waiting anxiously to get through the door to see his child. I always close my eyes for a moment when beginning to be shown the light from the Holy Spirit. I either see a child, or a person or silhouette of someone, then Holy Spirit light moves through and around them, where they need healing. The Holy Spirit showed me he had prayers going to God and then light from me the Holy Spirit going to his prayer, then into the surgery area away from him.  That light was to join his prayer for his son and fill it with healing heading to his son. I was shown son would be ok. 


As I walked toward the office where I needed to drop off paperwork, there were many people at registration signing in for tests to be done. An elderly lady who just signed in and turned to the seating area was slow in movement. I closed my eyes and was shown a small bit of light, then I ‘prayed,’ and ask God to help her not feel pain, to move easily and to be healed if His will. 

I turned to look at all waiting to have tests done. Was shown fear, pain and strength. I then was shown light moving to all sitting in the area, as I closed my eyes. The Holy Spirit showed me many thick waves of light going to all.The light came from beyond the ceiling. Other times the light moves from me, where the Holy Spirit, the great comforter and the blessing from our Father is indwelling.

Sometimes the light is just on the person and I am shown, this light was very thick which usually means good healing from God. This was like watching a breeze move to and through the waiting area into the people needing help.

I have to close my eyes and settle into my depth,  then He shows me. As a healer one has authority over the Holy Spirit. The closer to God with faith, more miracles can occur, for the Holy Spirit works through all healers. We, as humans do nothing but aim to be as clear of sin as possible and that only happens because of His grace.  I have to start the ‘prayer,’ then the Holy Spirit moves.

As I walked back to my car I closed my eyes and sent the Holy Spirit to all that needed help and have been prayed for. To all that were till suffering for them to not feel pain and to heal. prayed for all in the hospital that God was waiting for prayer. I will say I ‘pray,’ for this is a level where the Holy Spirit moves from me that I cannot explain.

If i see someone walking to a store and their gait is favored with obvious pain, I close my eyes for a moment, and light goes. Sometimes no light is shown, so I ‘pray.’ Help them not hurt, help them financially help them feel your presence and peace, Jesus to the Father I pray.

God was working that day, but He works everyday for us. He sees our every moment, He is watching me type this and you reading this. Not one moment is left unseen by our Father. That thought alone may help all not sin! We fail, Jesus takes care of that when we repent and denounce sin. Jesus gave us that gift, to be forgiven. 

Do I know if He helped them? I cannot put down a name and a this or a that, but I  KNOW He did. That my friends is the power of faith and God's love.

God bless you that read this and may God bless you with peace and an answer to your troubles. Worry about nothing, pray about everything




Bottled in Bond in Jesus name I say ... 

Bottled in Bond  In Jesus name I say


Hello darkest ones that the Lord is trying to lift into a puddle of happiest waters. Did you know we are mostly water? Did you know that the Holy Spirit showed Himself to me as waters? Yes, one day as He took over my voice and asked “May I pray for you?” This was unbeknownst to me at the time. My right hand came up beside my head, palm open towards the cashier that was having trouble breathing. She answered quickly with an obvious faith “Yes!” And she lowered her head in respect. I was shown waters moving from me, in a rectangular way of movement right into her. She breathed in immediately and her complete countenance changed. She was in that instant, healed from a life long path of asthma.


Yes, darkest ones that the Lord is trying to lift into that puddle of happiest waters. This is a true miracle and one of many miracles He has used me to move and work through. Did you know that God is not intrusive? That the Father waits for us to ‘ask’ so that then He shall answer? Oh yes, mighty darkest ones waiting for the cool puddle of happiest waters of the Holy Spirit.


I am a sinner, as we all are but I feel I am a bad sinner person. Yet, God is using me, attempting to use me to keep me in His word. For if I fail enough and too many times, He has thousands He can turn to and use. YOU also, can be used by the Father of all things. But, ya gotta stop sinning. But Mitch? I enjoy booze and the ladies and the indulgent way of human life. I cannot stop such things, so I guess I will burn.  “Yea, you will,” I say to those that say these words my way. Again, God is not intrusive so we all begin a journey of temptation like never before in our lives when we decide, to hear God asking for us to follow and give our lives to Him.


But Mitch, I cannot give up my greed and the pleasures of the women through my touch all turns to ecstasy! How dare you suggest such to me, that God would want that unhappiness in my life! Go thither away from me! “Ah, you protest too much my friend in love with God and love.”


The silence and calmness that becomes you when you choose God, has no description. Denounce even your coffee for I tell you true we are only shown by contrasts the horrible and the beautiful in life. Contrasts of good and evil. Oh, but Mitch you are boring me with such banter. I must go drink bourbon and become wise unto the lady that winks my way. I must become her pleasure and be the all she seeks. Of course, when morning finds I will leave her in that puddle of fake love and vile fornication. But, Mitch, I am forgiven right?


I dare say, yes but thou tempt the Lord too many  times and away from Him is your soul.  There is no returning if you do such animosity to our God.


Hear me those that will hear me. I was shown the way of heaven with its beauty and love I cannot describe. I was shown peace that literally causes your soul to fly into tears of love. I was shown the evil, I fought until it killed me as I turned my back to its claws that were razors. Hear me, you have a path with God, He knew you before birth. YOU had a conversation with Him about your life here, You knew what you were getting into. This is but a teeny bit of time, a vapor of time. Hear me you that wants the pleasures of the woman or the man. That wants the money through greed to destroy all to get that bit of cash. Hear me if you can hear me. Stop giving in to sin. Sin, is death to forever with love. Sin, is choice of forgotten spies and no place to lay thy head with peace. Sin, is the lost cough upon the spew of filth across your soul and the only place you will be allowed to sleep. Covered in the stench and lifting redundantly into its vile. Your choice when you remain in the way of evil and flesh.


Tell me something, you are complete with God’s light, you are born in His image, your soul. Your spirit has to grow in life. The many times you say no to sin, the many times you helped another without gain or reward. The times you opened a door for someone and said, “have a blessed day.” The sins of your family can stop with you. Did you know you have the power to stop the generational sin lineage? Just takes one of the blood of that sin. 

The demons that have whispered the same temptations to your ancestors, are whispering to you now. And you are giving into their bottled in bond 100 proof temptations. Stand up and reach for our Lord God through Jesus to the Father all things are heard. Then when they whisper, when they physically touch you in an erotic way, when they whisper for you to curse another, when they whisper, one more drink, it’s ok. Step away and say ‘NO!” Then they have to flee.    I am not saying you will always remain steadfast and not sin, but it will get fewer and fewer times you give in. Why, you ask. Because God sees you trying and asking for help. God is not intrusive. So ask, plead, beg, scream to stop! Then walk through your day with His word. Going to the Bible, hearing what you can hear and doing what you can do, with God. 


Hello darkest ones in life here. We who are the greatest of sinners need to be ready to love God. To tell that person over there, “stop! God is here and loves you!”


Hello darkest ones of life here, I am darkest also but I strive for His love, for His peace and for His forgiveness from His Son Jesus. Did you know that every sin you are committing now He died for 2000 years ago for forgiveness of it. 

Did you know God knew you before you were born and knew your choices. Did you know you are loved beyond time for He gave Jesus to suffer our pain.  

Did you know I also love you for you are my brother, my sister, my mother my father. We are all born of Christ Jesus, WE are all born from love.


Did you know……………..  


Being The Church 


Mitch Bensel

Everyone can be the church.


Proverbs 3:27-28 KJV

Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and to morrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.

The other day my neighbor  was shaking and weak and was headed downstairs to get his laundry. I said, You want me to go get it for you and bring it back up?” He said, No it's broken again. It's gonnabe a week.”

I just put my hand on his shoulder. I didn’t plan on it .. was a feeling to just place my hand on his shoulder. No words were said. Just by doing that brought a thought of comfort. You don't realize it when you do it. So, in that moment he looked back at me and calmed. 

For That moment of compassion was from God and he felt calmed, not by my hand but by God moving to him from my compassion. You don't have to give everybody all you own, you don’t have to walk the streets and be homeless you just have to have kindness. Which is very rare now .. or fake and just a ‘work’ being done.

Most of us feel we have to do a magnificent thing to ‘be the church.’ God doesn't need magnificence from us. He is the magnificence. 

The smallest little light is all He needs from us, kindness to others. Kindness imparts love. kindness imparts God, God is love. Kindness literally imparts the Holy Spirit.

Love all, we are truly brothers and sisters here. When you do good things, it gives God’s  light to the person and you are representing Him. You can just smile at someone or you open the door for them.  God trickles into that person as you open the door because it's a kindness. When your kindness is done, God is present. That's when you would be the church. 

Being the church is being aware of others from a place of love, compassion and kindness. Is very easy to see if someone needs  help or even to engage in casual conversation at the checkout. Show kindness with a gentle tone and a thank you. The service industry is massively verbally abused. BE that one calm soul they saw that day. Let them take that moment of ‘kindness’ which will impart the Holy Spirit right into them. Bring that smile to them. Follow the nudges of even what to say. “thank you for being here today or I couldn’t buy my barbecue chips.”

Being the church is doing what Jesus would do. Being the church is all about love and our actions  Whatever you are drawn to do, do that, then that is what God wants you to do. He never forces. It's never a forced action of kindness. That's fake. That's a ‘work’ that's not from the soul. Thats a look at what I'm doing.” That is YOU getting something out of it not them.

Generally,  doing something very small, usually something very simple  impacts that person more than all the money in the world would because God is involved, compassion and kindness that flows literally from our words and actions covered with God’s love. They feel it. They begin to think of God. The more they think, they begin to reach. The more they reach, God says I'm right here. They begin to hear God. 

I was in a busy bakery once. They make you take a number for they are always very busy. I hadn’t taken one yet then they said, “don’t forget to take a number. A lady that was in front of me, that was there before I walked in, she reached at the same time I did, but I was closer and got it first. I immediately handed it to her “you are next.” She stood for several seconds motionless  with her mouth open in total shock. She finally spoke, “This never happens, usually it would be ‘tough luck’.” I repeated, “you are next.” She stood motionless for a bit then slowly took the ticket from me, not looking at me looking away but still in obvious disbelief this happened. That moment of simple common sense, respect and kindness flew into her with God’s light. Think of how sad it is that this very small ‘right thing to do’ was so unbelievable to her every sense. BUT she felt kindness which obviously had not been present in her world.

That's why kindness is so important and so easy to do. Kindness that's simple really isn’t it?. It's beautiful.

Hes showing me as I'm telling you about the lights. I see them move from us to the ones we help. Just imagine Jesus looking at you in the crowd and just smiling, and waving, and walking on by. Jesus … God's Son but also a man of flesh. He's just smiling at you. Jesus never thought of himself was always for all around him, was for us. As we walk in His glory we walk with love and kindness. Jesus didn’t judge He simply smiled. With that moment, even from Jesus, it was a wee trickle of light that the one standing by the side of the road felt to their souls core. Love is carried by light to touch our spirit. God is spirit and spirit talks to spirit as we must talk with Him in spirit. When we do a kindness we are feeling compassion, which is caring, which is love which is from God. He's never forceful. He does everything gently and kindness my friends, is a gentle way to be the church. It is a magnificent way to be the church, it is a 

simple way, to be the church.

You know, truly, the kindness isn't for you. It is for that other person. 

If there is no connection to God, that is a forced action, its useless. What a HUGE lost opportunity to impart the Holy Spirit. What is a connection to God Mitch? The action is for the person not for what you can get out of it.

Please  do a simple kindness out of the blue when nudged. When a thought hits, “help them” “pray for them” “smile at them” “comfort them if they look distressed, not with fancy talk or loud movements but gentle and calm” that nudge will never be heard if not learning to love all as self.

 A neighbor fell and after she got home from the ER a thought came to me, “get her some flowers to help her smile and let go of the memory.” Kindness. It came to mind, it was an action of good fruit hence from God so I did it. Not wanting anything but to help her not feel anguish or sadness over the ordeal. Everytime she looks at those flowers she will feel peace and God’s love. Why Mitch? Because they were given with love and a wish of peace when she glanced upon their beauty. Light from God is a smile, God’s presence is a feeling of peace. Those flowers daily will give her peace and calmness with just a glance.


To be the church is when you're walking through your day, you just open the door for somebody, or pick up something somebody dropped, or look at them, and  say a prayer for them in your mind, if they're wobbly, The kindness creates, God's action,  To be the church is to always have God on your mind and in your heart. For that is when you will quickly and easily hear Him and do a small or large bit of kindness that you will know is from God. 

God. The forefront of my mind is always on God.  This is how it should be. Im  always thinking about God, and  He should be in front of your every thought. God. God. God is right there. It's like angels sing praise to God 24/7. I can feel and see it in my way. I see the name God. Or I see a light always there in my mind.  God. God. God. God.

If I walk, I'll say Thank you. Help me God. Keep me safe.”

I'll stop and go. When there are sirens, I stop and get into the prayer place and say the same prayers, help them be ok, help all around have compassion, help them know how to heal them, help them feel your peace Lord and know all will be ok. Sometimes there is an added, “if they need an attorney let it happen easily and let them not be afraid.”

I have witnessed too many countless times the power of kindness, the power of prayer. YOUR one time kindness to a total stranger has the potential to literally change their entire life. With kind thoughts God is present, with kind actions, God is present. yes God is ever present but we ‘as the church’ must become the vessel that literally drops His light into all. Kindness does that. because, as I repeat and I have repeated myself quite a bit. We are a slow folk in the noggin and sometimes have to read or hear things several different ways and times.

That’s being the church.. That’s a love no matter who they are, or their lifestyles, all people not just those people that you agree with their decisions and way of life ALL people.  ALL

Being kind  to all is such a simple concept to be the church is to literally LOVE all. have to love/ be kind to / that nasty person over there. The dirty homeless person, the one in church that never truly looks dressed right.. Love them too. You know not to judge.  Romans 2:1 

At a healing celebration of God’s love in Zanesville I was shown by God His love for  all of us. The filthy, the clean, the vile, the righteous.  simply love all. When you cross paths with someone and you feel nudge, “help them open that door, wish them a blessed day, say a silent prayer for them” when you become kindness walking through your day, you become the light of God. You get out of the way of self and allow God to shine through you. 

God bless you all

singing and telling God a story ~ in the tongues language hmmm I may have gone insane  

This morning while in the shower I talked to God. I talk to Him a lot while in the shower. The hot water is wonderful and clears the mind and hands away from the phone and internet scrolling. I began to tell Him a story. I was shown the story while speaking and singing. I will now present to you my first story, told to God for His amusement and how God does what God does. Shows His love.


A sunny day in the park a young lad was walking and pondering life. He looked at the cool flowers to his right, just off the path. And the other same coolness flowers to his left. As he walked he talked to God. Asking silly questions and such what he normally does. Boring God most likely but most likely not. He heard some music up ahead of him off the path to the right. He walked closer and heard such beautiful sounds. He remembered he had his harmonica in his pocket and got it out and began to play along with the music. But his mind was for God to hear, not only his harmonica playing but he told God, "all the music is for you!" as he walked closer to the group playing their music. So beautifully played next to flowers and tall grasses. He looked up to the sky while playing along with them with his harmonica. He saw a wisp of white floating toward the music. He began to see several of these images of white light gather around behind the group playing their instruments. They seemed oblivious and he had some difficult for a bit playing his harmonica. He looked up and around the group and was surrounded by angels! He couldn't believe his eyes! He smiled while playing the harmonica which caused him to miss some notes. Can't smile and play. He listened to the absolute most beautiful sounds of angels singing and the group playing all in an indescribable flow. 

He stepped back and sat on a concrete bench. He was overwhelmed and smiled and pointed to the heavens, "this is for you God!" The music played and the notes began to turn the clock of time. Time hurriedly removed him from the moment. He was an adult. He fell away from the fantasy. There was still a small bit of singing from the angels but the people were gone. He was sad and went to the park on his lunch to try to get rid of worry and pain from his life. This man did not have an easy life, he never had an easy life. But this man loved God since a wee boy and took him through his life with him. Even when intense pain from lost love or abuses in life, those kind that rip a heart out of people. Yes, not easy but when it got too loud, drowning out his Lord he went to the park. To the place he went as a child so long ago. The path where he lifted his harmonica out of his pocket and played with the angels and a simple group of people, for God. The path where he was now, sitting on a concrete bench oh so very sad.

The angelic sounds began to increase and he swayed with the glorious sounds. God always did have a way of letting him know he wasn't alone. But life has to be lived and life is hard and he learned, oh so long ago, that long ago time when he was so very small, that God was always with him. God was always holding him when he cried. Although at times he would cry, "where are you?". The 'where are you moments' were the worst. 

The singing increased and light from the sounds began to filter through him. He looked up and saw white light, small at first then growing larger and larger and... The brightest light ever, stood in front of the smaller lights. He smiled and sang in that cool language of tongues along with the angels. Suddenly, the brightest light showed him to be still. The song got louder and oh so angelically beautiful. The large giant light, which he knew was Jesus said, "this song is for you my child." The sounds of the angels the lifting of light all around was beyond. He broke into tears, he sobbed and got on his knees, "thank you Lord, thank you for your love!"

To this day whenever anyone walks down that path there is a magical music sound from the winds the leaves on the trees and even from the flowers as they lean toward all and give a flower smile followed with God's smile.

The.. end?


I have surely gone insane for today I told this story to the Lord.. to God to the Holy Spirit. I was shown how God was singing with His angels for me! And I broke into tears       those tears that only the Holy Spirit and God's love can create. Sobbing, thankful tears.


Tell God a story today all the heavens could use one. Whisper a nod to Jesus to maybe skip along the sidewalk with Him. Gather angels around and sing to God with them.  


Surprise God with your complete love. For He surely completely .. loves.. us







instantaneous healing at the cashier's desk while returning some items... 



I have spoken already about this healing on this site. The one that occurred in a store when I was returning some t-shirts. 

I walked into the store and heard the cashier coughing. It was a low cough and she was sipping on water frequently. She also had a lozenge in her mouth attempting to still the cough. She called me next to her register. As I walked up she coughed and asked forgiveness then took a sip of water. I asked if she wanted me to pray for her. She immediately lit up and said "yes, please!" I began to pray and I asked the Holy Spirit to slip into her lungs and heal. Immediately I felt the Holy Spirit begin to move to her. My right hand goes up on its own, sometimes to touch someone on the head or just in front of them. I don't know the reason, I just work here, it happens, and is obviously the Holy Spirit.  I was shown how healing moved down her into her lungs. She immediately smiled a huge smile, a childlike huge smile. "You felt it didn't you." I asked, She said "yes! God is good!" She was able to speak clearly. No cough, no pushing to find air to speak.

What I saw was a brilliance cover her. Her countenance changed. Was as if God removed a coating of illness. She had a history of having to be in oxygen tents on and off through life. She said her asthma has been an issue her whole life. I want all of you to know.. God healed her in Jesus name, He healed her! No more coughing.. her voice strong even her presence was enhanced? I cannot think of the right way to describe the change in her when the Holy Spirit healed her.

Please know God is with us every moment! Please know His love for us is amazing! Beyond description as I was shown at the last celebration of God's love! 

Write to me, invite me to your church, invite me to speak at the end of your services, your masses. Invite me to your homes! Call me! It is all free and pure love from the Holy Spirit and always in Jesus name! The three healings does not take long....and the blessings last forever into and beyond God's time and love..


May God bless you !!



Why do I still hurt? The reasoning behind the second blessing of The Three Healings.. 'relief from pain' 

Hello and blessings to all!!!

During every healing event I do, there will be the 'three healings.' This started over 10 years ago while I was recording and developing the Walk With Me CD that is available on the net digitally. I am also uploading all the audio's to my you tube Mitch Bensel You tube. In that CD were different lessons and conversations on, abuse, why blame God, breaking up, even with faith etc...Part of that was that He wanted me to do a three healing audio. At the time I was lost in how that could happen? For all the times before when healing occurred it was quiet with the patient, between God them and me. I would be nudged to send a prayer and then shown the light of the Holy Spirit move into them to where the injury was. Or on the net, when I did my first attempt at long distance healing, and just touched the screen name and saw the light once more go to injured areas in a shape of a human. That was the artist that was cured by God and was able to paint again. She sent me a gift of one of her paintings with a thank you for the healing. So... I remember praying and talking to God, "How am I supposed to pray for someone I cannot see? I do not know what they need? I know HE Does the healing but I felt I had to at least get it going that way? The knowing that came to me.. which is how I hear God and maybe all do, I have no idea. But I just 'knew' how to do it He would show me people and injuries and calamities and then I would see the light moving through as I spoke. God is so cool! 

The First is that peace that only  The Holy Spirit  can give us. The comforter is rightfully named for we feel comforted, at peace, calm. With said peace we can then hear Him better and also make it through a horrible moment, day, life! The second is a relief from pain.. Now comes the questions from those that remain in pain after their friend or spouse were healed while they stood or sat right next to them during a healing moment. "Why do I still hurt?"

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 says it all!

And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

whenever I type 'little ones' that is God talking just saying.. not that He is not always helping me say what is said.. but yea.. this came from the big guy!

Heed not doubt little ones when you hurt or are constantly battling making it through a day without some kind of affliction ..for God is with you every moment and if God knows, then is His will and with His will strength will find and calm will hold you through every storm.. giving strength to what you felt was a weakness by showing you that GOD'S strength is made perfect in YOUR weakness...      



Visited a nursing home while in Zanesville Ohio ..  


I was given the honor to walk through a nursing home while visiting Zanesville Ohio. What I was shown is that God already has all that are in nursing homes or assisted care living homes. I listen to see where His light will go but was told in a way of 'knowing' that God is already deeply with each in the facility. I was also shown He was with the staff. I guess helping them have compassion and to heal the way they can by showing said compassion.

I walked past rooms and was pulled, told, to go into one. I asked the lady letting us walk through if I could go into the room. She introduced me to the people in the room. I was already in the way of the Holy Spirit so memory is slight but for the wonderful feeling of love and liquid peace that literally lifts your own spirit.

There were four elderly ladies and one in bed. The one in bed had her eyes closed. I walked toward her and sat near here. I asked if I could pray for her. She moved her head lightly with a yes answer. I asked if I could put my hand on her shoulder, she again nodded slightly. I felt God so close and her love for God fell out of her so easily into the room. It is a feeling of being lifted and in a gentle place of, like. liquid? I prayed for her to feel His love and heal if that is what was needed. Other words were said but again, I do not remember all that is said for it is the Holy Spirit. I know it was also for the ladies in the room visiting her. The peace given by the Holy Spirit removes all worries and is so profoundly beautiful. 

Please do not worry about your loved ones in nursing homes or assisted living homes. God is fully involved with them with His amazing and beautiful love.


blessings to all that take time to read these moments with the Holy Spirit.



What I felt on the other side of those miracle events of healing on May 22 at Coburn United Methodist Church  

On May 22, 2022, I was at Coburn United Methodist Church in Zanesville Ohio to do a celebration of God's love healing event. I am of course just the vessel or conduit for God's Holy Spirit to move through and do healing. I just have to get out of His way. On this night I felt so many things and as always a deep sincere love for all that are present. I know it is God's love for all of us I feel. When I asked all to send a prayer to anyone they wish during the 4th healing moment that God wanted to do. I saw light shoot out of the doors.. just fly from everyone back through and out of the doors! It was so beautiful. Because of all that attended, their faith by just walking in and being there, God was working through all! I.. felt His love for all  I always feel the beauty and wonderful liquid peace of the Holy Spirit! I know He has let me know that is, ALL that came to that healing will have a miracle or be blessed in a profound way. Which to me is a miracle of God's love. 

Hands on healings are interesting with profound depths shown. I am shown where The Holy Spirit is moving or what they need. I tend to start to sweat the more the Holy Spirit works through me. This event had many if not all come up for a hands on healing. Gosh, God's love is so strong. I cannot explain the love that I FEEL for total strangers! God's love is like thick air surrounding and holding all without judgement. The contrast of simple humans, plain just living through their day with their problems. He cares not the clothes we wear or the wealth in our pockets. Mix that with His love! Wow is all I can say. The love He showed me and let me feel was the most beautiful moment I have ever felt in my life. Is why I said in that moment "I love everyone here." That was the Holy Spirit! His love encompassed the room! Enveloped all there.  I tell you what, it is amazing! !

I get the best blessings out of doing these, with all faith I tell ya, I am not doing anything but getting out of God's way! But I get the blessings of feeling His presence, His love! His love is overwhelming for us! A liquid peace and sometimes severe goosebumps. I do not remember all of what I said, because I AM NOT saying it, the Holy Spirit is! I had to ask the videographer "How did I do? I can't remember much!" No matter how many times you plan on what you will say the Holy Spirit says, "nah, lets say this." and away the miracles fly.


I have no idea why I was picked to do this.. I am nothing but I do love God and have given my life to Him!

Thank you to all that came. YOU will be blessed beyond time.

A video was done of the event and when completed will be posted. Watch it! for all that do will be blessed in some way.


Blessings always! He is with us!




Power in the name of Jesus! Narrating Mary Knew experience

While narrating the book, Mary Knew, by Irene Baron, Mary Knew Audio, I felt the presence of the Holy Trinity. Listen to this miracle that I was allowed to experience and feel. God let me feel and see that Jesus is all the power! All the glory! All through His Son!.. whew I tell ya, I wept.




FIRE INSIDE - Words that came to Mitch while resting...

I was soaking in a hot tub, resting after cycling several miles. I fell asleep but was awakened with these words being spoken. I was saying them, "Nobody told them they  have a fire inside.." .. I got up and wrote them down. and more came to life. We have a fire inside, it is our soul and our love for God! This talks of the journey of life when we are lost in drugs, temptations and life has us by our souls. Then a  realization we wasted life, then finding God, and the ‘fire inside.’The last words of this I feel, felt like was from a place in life when time says God is real. WE all have a fire inside! Never too late!  


Nobody told them they had a fire inside.. 

and the wish did slip around in their mind, 

lips of ice told of lies of days gone by.. 


I watch the blue drip down my wall as I sit.. in my bathroom stall 

I sprinkle powder and then I know it all.. 

Burning eyes see the cold of heat 

hands feeble try to feel complete.. whispered.. but the power is gone 


I watch my feet follow the morning dawn but the shadows only know the torn 

of the ease of tears 

and the watch.. of those who mourn.. 


I grab my head as I feel it burst with pain from the very first of the thought.. 

of power now thrown with thirst 

pulling my feet back inside my head 

I float..into oblivion 


where the mast meets the sail of eternity 


the waste of time now the gone of mine 

is this life..I throw against that wall of sublime and the wish.. that moves around in

my mind ......... 


somebody tell them they have a fire inside!

not to waste a moment of this place we reside called life.. and live and never hide.. 

lips of ice can be warmed again 

fire released can be used my friend those feeble hands again and survive!